CADL Williamston to Close for Renovations

CADL Williamston to Close for Renovations

Starting on Monday, July 15 until the end of August CADL Williamston will be closed for renovationsThe drop-box will also be closed during this time. All library materials will need to be returned to other CADL branches.


You will also need to change your hold pickup location prior to the library's closing by signing into your account or speaking with a staff member. 


Nearest CADL Branches


CADL Haslett - 1590 Franklin Street, Haslett MI 48840 

(517) 339-2324


CADL Okemos - 4321 Okemos Road, Okemos, MI 48864

(517) 347-2021


CADL Webberville - 115 South Main Street, Webberville, MI 48892

(517) 521-3643


CADL Dansville - 1379 Mason Street, Dansville, MI 48819

(517) 623-6511


We look forward to an improved library experience with CADL Williamston's remodel. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

Julie C., CADL Williamston