It is a blessing and curse to live in interesting times
That phrase is neither ancient nor Confucian. Some sources trace the phrase to an English man Frederic R. Coudert, who may have coined it just prior to World War II. Another source indicates that Senator Robert Kennedy popularized the phrase in a 1966 speech.
It must be true if it’s on the internet, right?
In any case, we are living in interesting times.
Fun fact: Capital Area District Libraires provides library services in buildings owned by local municipalities. For instance, the Okemos branch is owned by and maintained by Meridian Township.
Consequently, when the township mandated MASKS ON for all visitors in its buildings I was designated the “Mask Sherriff,” a position of great importance and little enjoyment. Other municipalities have not made that requirement, which is why you can go to another CADL branch and show your smile. Believe me, I would love to see your smile. But I figure anyone can slap a mask on for the short time they’re in the building if little kids can keep a mask on for school, and surgeons can keep a mask on for hours.
Library staff know how to be flexible, but we consistently care about the people who visit our buildings.
No matter what branch you walk into CADL staff want you to feel like you belong, that you are comfortable, and you are safe.
No matter how interesting the times.
Betsy Hull, CADL Okemos Head Librarian