Reposted: Circulation Policy Changes at CADL

Lower fines, and more of what you enjoy...

CADL takes great pride in providing a positive experience to our members. That commitment includes being responsive to changing use and demands for our collections. Back in May we introduced several changes to our circulation policy for audio-visual items.

The first is that we have eliminated check-out limits for those items. Within the 50-item per card limit, you can check out and enjoy as many DVD/BluRays, books on CD, and music CD titles as you like. (Library of Things and Library of Things Jr. item limits will remain the same.) Secondly, we have lowered the overdue fines for weekly DVD/BluRay from $1 to 20¢/day, while fines for New and "Lucky Day" DVD/BluRays have been lowered from $2 to $1/day

These changes do not affect any previous fine balances. 

Enjoy even more of the entertainment you love, in formats that work for you. 

Visit your local branch or browse our online catalog to see all the titles available with your membership.


Thais R., Associate Director of Collection Services