Outdoor Events are BACK! What to Pack...
With summer comes a great variety of outdoor events. Some are big and some are small. Some require a lot of preparation to attend, and some require very little. When it comes to what to bring to an outdoor event what I lack in experience I make up for in imagination.
If you’re not sure what to pack for an outdoor event, here’s a good starter list of items that can fit in a single bag:
For Protection
- Sunscreen
- A large hat
- Sunglasses
- Portable poncho or umbrella
- First-aid kit
- Phone charger
For Comfort
- A blanket
- Water
- Snacks
- A book
Because You Should
- Cash and ID
You can never be too prepared when going to an outdoor event. This list doesn’t even include what to bring if you have kids, but I will keep that bit of wisdom for a different article.
While you are out you should stop by one of CADL’s outdoor events. Foster will have outdoor movies and storytimes this summer. Hope to see you there!
Melissa Cole, Head Librarian of CADL Foster