Photo Caption Contest
CONTEST DATES: Monday, August 13 to Friday, August 24, 2018. Entries must be received by 5pm on August 24. Winners will be notified the following week.
HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY: By email to (use subject line "Caption Contest Entry"), by private message on the Local History facebook page, or in person in the Local History room at CADL. YOU MUST INCLUDE your name and contact details so we can let you know if you won! (Info will be kept confidential and not used for any other purpose).
OUR JUDGES: Anne Rau (Lansing Community College), Nicole Garrett Smeltekop (MSU Libraries) and Erin Buitendorp (City of Lansing Neighborhoods & Citizen Engagement).
OTHER FINE PRINT: One entry per person. Must be 18 to enter. If winner is a CADL member, they must be in good standing. Contest dates August 13 - 24, 2018. Winner will be notified at the contact information provided in entry (email, phone, etc.). Decision of judges is final. This is a CADL contest. Only one winner per household.
-Heidi B., CADL Local History Librarian