Reading has benefits for everyone
Wednesday might be a camel’s favorite day (Hump Day), but March is my favorite month
What could be a better way to spend a month than reading? Reading can be enjoyed by all ages. Little ones like to have someone read to them (and all the research shows this is very important for their later success in reading on their own).
Elementary school age kids can explore different kinds of reading—fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel or audiobook. Give them the power to choose and stand back.
Middle and high school kids may not think they have time to read , but introduce them to collections of short stories, poems and e-books and see if that changes their minds. Adults, don’t neglect your own reading! You deserve the pleasure of losing yourself in a book or article, plus it is a great thing for children in your life to see you making time to read.
As we get older some print is more difficult to read.
Does that mean we have to give up reading? Absolutely not. Most titles can be found in large print books. E-readers allow you to enlarge the print on your device, and audiobooks let you enjoy reading even if print is too small or holding a book is too difficult.
Who’s ready to jump on my bandwagon and proclaim, “Hurray for Reading Month”?
- Jean Bolley, CADL Foster