Sam Bellairs Receives Director's Award
Recently, a situation did arise where another staff member was having an allergic reaction to food that a member brought into the library. Sam acted quickly and made sure members were escorted out of the library, the space where the food made contact was wiped down and all trash that could have contained remnants of the food was taken out. Another Leslie staff member said, “she handled the entire situation with poise and I can’t thank her enough for the calm in which she handled everything being asked of her”. Sam’s action turned a situation that could have been tragic into one where everyone was safe in the end. Her co-worker Desiree S. had this to say about Sam:
"Sam is an outstanding employee and our staff are so thankful to have her here working with us."
I wholeheartedly agree. Sam thank you so much for the work that you do for the Leslie branch and your calm approach no matter what situation you encounter.
Scott Duimstra, CADL Executive Director