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Example: john grisham the associate

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  • speedy motors
  • alexander mccall smith
  • botswana detective

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  • wom*n (matches woman, women, womyn, etc.)
  • car* (matches car, cars, card, cart, carts, carbon, caring, etc.)
  • *  (matches everything)

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Staff Picks

Katie S. Recommends

Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light
This is a story about a friendship between a bear and girl and their desire to spread kindness while dispelling some misjudgements in the process. I enjoyed reading this story and following the...
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Christine M. Recommends

When He Was Wicked
When He Was Wicked is the 6th book in Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series.  This book in particular has a lot of wit and wisdom in its story about Francesca's first husband and her entry into...
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