Arts & Humanities

Premium Tools

Brought to you by CADL

Access the best of the best college-level courses for lifelong learners in a variety of formats.

Digital Collection:

Streaming video (Kanopy)

Streaming video (hoopla)

Physical Collection:

Selection of DVDs & Books on CD

CADL library card required (this includes Student Success Initiative cards)


Brought to you by MeL

This database offers detailed how-to instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.


Brought to you by MeL

Covers literary, scholarly and creative thought. Ideal for students, researchers, and educators interested in any aspect of the humanities.


Brought to you by CADL

Thousands of high-quality online courses developed by recognized industry experts on the latest software, creative, and business skills. Log on and learn at your own pace. This resource can only be accessed with an individual library card account. Due to vendor restrictions, we cannot provide access to business card accounts.

When logging in, although it asks for a "PIN", you need to use the same password that you use to log into your account in our catalog.

After you have activated your LinkedIn Learning account for the first time using a web browser (Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.), you can download the LinkedIn Learning app from your app store. When you sign in to the app, use "cadl" for the Library ID.

Learn How to Get Started Using LinkedIn Learning

CADL library card required (this includes Student Success Initiative cards)


Brought to you by MeL

Covers broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. Wide range of subjects covered including plot summaries, literary criticism, book reviews, classic and contemporary poems, short stories and novels, and author interviews.


Brought to you by MeL

Coverage includes classic and contemporary poems as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays.

Other Resources

Folger Shakespeare Library

Digital Texts from the Folger Shakespeare Library.

Google Arts and Culture

Explore history, art, architecture, and nature around the world from your own home.

Smithsonian Archives

Discover “everything under the sun” within the Smithsonian’s digital archives, from fantastic shoes through the ages to the history of hip-hop to the biodiversity of coral reefs.

Smithsonian Archives of American Art

Documents and images on the history of the visual arts in America.

The Eli and Edith Broad Art Museum

The website for the Broad Art Museum in East Lansing. You can view past and present exhibits, and also event and program information.

The Virtual Louvre

The Atlas database covers all the works exhibited in the Louvre - some 30,000 items. The explanatory texts that accompany museum exhibits, compiled under the authority of the museum curators.