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Designed to assist the general public in legal matters of all kinds. Coverage includes exclusive full text for many top consumer legal reference books, thousands of legal forms, and detailed how-to instructions covering a wide-range of legal issues. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo. 

Need help finding forms for a specific State? Try using this guide


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Authoritative database for current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world. It is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals and others involved with the law. 

Highlighted Resources

Michigan Legal Help

A “one stop shopping” site from the Michigan State Bar Foundation offering self-help including forms, procedures, and referrals on simple civil legal issues. For convenience, here is a User Guide for the website.

Elder Law of Michigan

Elder Law of Michigan is a nonprofit charitable organization that promotes and protects the rights, health, and economic well-being of older adults and people with disabilities by providing information, advocacy, legal advice and professional services.

St. Vincent Catholic Charities Immigration Law Clinic

St. Vincent Catholic Charities’ Immigration Law Clinic provides a wide spectrum of immigration legal services to community members from across the state of Michigan.

Local and Michigan-specific Resources

Ingham County Legal Self-Help Center

The Michigan Legal Help Self-Help Center of Ingham County is now open at the State Law Library! Residents from any nearby county are welcome to come use the computers to access the tools and resources on Although they cannot give legal advice, staff are available to assist in navigating and using the website and answering some questions.

Legal Services of South Central Michigan

Free legal assistance for people of lower income and seniors.

Local Ordinances

Ordinances from Michigan cities, villages and townships.

Michigan Compiled Laws

Full text of Michigan Public Acts and the Michigan Constitution.

Michigan Courts

Court forms, records and much more.

State Bar of Michigan - Legal Resource and Referral Center

Legal help referral and legal information resources compiled by the State Bar of MIchigan.

Other Resources

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center

Also known as IC3, an online portal from the FBI for reporting internet crimes. 


Information on federal and state cases, law dictionaries, law schools and much more

FTC Infographic on Romance Scams

Many people have been the target of online dating and other romance scams. This infographic from the FTC provides information about these scams, what victims can do, and how to report them.