The Guess Who Greatest Hits
- Type: Music
- By: The Guess Who
- Age Category: Adults
- Genre: Rock
- Recommended by: Tom S.
- ISBN/UPC: 078636777429 Check Catalog
A rock-and-roll reminder that Canadians are not Americans with funny accents.
Amid such catchy pop tunes as These Eyes, No Time, and Laughing, it’s easy to overlook the fact that The Guess Who – hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba – had a distinctly Canadian voice that came through in such songs as American Woman (“American Woman, get away from me . . . I don’t need your war machines / I don’t need no ghetto scene”) and Guns, Guns, Guns (“American hunter, bring ‘em up the north side . . . Eagle all gone, and no more caribou.”) Even the utopic yearning in Share the Land reminds listeners that Canada’s Prairie Provinces have a rich history of radical social thought.
So while you’re enjoying these cool early 70s songs, keep tuned to what Burton Cummings, Randy Bachman, and the rest of the crew have to say about being Canadian in the Vietnam Era.