The Nest
- Type: Audiobooks
- By: Kenneth Oppel
- Age Category: Children
- Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
- Recommended by: Thais R.
- ISBN/UPC: 9781481432344 Check Catalog
If you aren't already scared of wasps, you will be.
Steven's family has been having a difficult time. 10 days ago his new baby brother is born, but something is wrong, and his parents are worried. In the meantime, what Steven thinks is an angel appears in a dream and offers to fix the baby. But it turns out there is an ominous link to the wasp nest outside... Such a good book about anxiety, families dealing with severe illness, the value of perfection vs. imperfection. Readable and thought provoking. But also one of the scariest books I've ever read. Do you feel that wasp crawling up your shoulder?