Anne of Green Gables

  • Type: Books
  • By: L.M. Montgomery
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Melissa C.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781442490000
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Re-visit a childhood favorite and a literary classic in Anne of Green Gables

Growing up the Anne of Green Gables movies were my favorite movies. I owned them on VHS and watched them and wished that I could somehow be an orphan girl on Prince Edward Island with a bosom friend named Diana. With the announcement of Netflix's upcoming Anne of Green Gables adaption, I felt inspired to re-watch the movies. I then realized that I have never read the books. So I checked them out. I am enjoying being in Anne's world again, but this time I am in the version that author L.M. Montgomery imagined and it is every bit as wonderful, if not more, than the movies. I feel the same yearning to be in Anne's world. It is truly a literary classic. This series is great for kids or adults, any kindred spirit that will appreciate the red-headed Anne (with an e) and the beauty of the island.