If I Was Your Girl

  • Type: Books
  • By: Meredith Russo
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Mari G.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781250078407
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New girl in town wants friends, but a secret keeps her reserved.

Amanda has moved to a new town in Tennessee and like any teen she is hoping to meet new friends. But Amanda has a secret she’s not so sure she wants to reveal yet. Having memories of violence being committed against you is something no one should ever have. Her secret? Beautiful Amanda was born a male and used to be known as Andrew.

This title stood out because it highlights what transgender teenagers may endure in order to live out who they are. Dating, your parent’s friends, being asked far too personal questions about yourself; it can all get pretty complex! I also hadn’t expected to think about grief, but while reading this work of fiction I got a sense for what parents may experience when letting go of the child they knew and embracing who their transitioning child has become. Meredith Russo wonderfully gives Amanda her voice and portrays a strong sense of agency for where she intends to go. Readers will wish great things for Amanda and her future.