I'll be your Girl

  • Type: Music
  • By: The Decemberists
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Rock
  • Recommended by: Jessica T.
  • ISBN/UPC: 602567236689
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A retro mix from a risk-taking indie rock band

This 8th album from The Decemberists has them taking risks and exploring musical genres combining their ageless folk feel with what feels like late a succession of 80s Glam, early 90s Alt-rock with even a brief stop in 70s southern rock. Seriously it’s all over the place but it worked for me. The gorgeous sad “Russalka, Russalka /The Wild Rushes” is probably the most recognizable of their traditional style, but other highlights for me included the opener and easy sing-along “Once in My Life”, “Cutting Stone”, “Starwatcher”, and “Sucker’s Prayer.”