Lemonade in Winter

  • Type: Books
  • By: Emily Jenkins
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Ramona B.P.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780375858833
  • Check Catalog

Who says you can’t have a lemonade stand in winter?

Who says you can’t have a lemonade stand in winter?

This warm story about brother and sister entrepreneurs, Pauline and John-John, is not only a fun introduction to counting money, but it’s also a great story about pursuing goals and thinking outside the box!

Learning to count money may be the overall theme, but this is actually a really good book to share as an introduction to running a small business. Everything from creating a business plan, product development, accounting, advertising, marketing, inventory control, and net profit is covered (in charming illustrations and engaging text of course.) To top it off, they even have a “sale.”   

The next time you’re helping children prepare for a scouting, sports or activity booth sale, this is a good book to keep in mind.