Murder Once Removed
- Type: Books
- By: S. C. Perkins
- Age Category: Adults
- Genre: Mystery & Suspense
- Recommended by: Jessica T.
- ISBN/UPC: 9781250189042 Check Catalog
A fun genealogy mystery!
SC Perkins’s series starter is a fun little cozy featuring a thirty-something genealogist named Lucy Lancaster, whose made a tremendous historic discovery that’s had the effect of kicking a hornet’s nest in the present among the descendants of the 19th Century families she’s been researching—who are still political rivals in the present. Perkins introduces a large cast—Lucy’s officemates, A handsome FBI agent, and a protective restaurateur with connections who will all likely figure into future books. And the historical research is interesting though she makes the one mistake that makes me a little nuts with genealogy fiction by mentioning checking the 1890 Census—which mostly burned in 1921. Regardless, it was a fun story with an engaging set of genealogical mysteries.