If I Never Met You

  • Type: Books
  • By: Mhairi McFarlane
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Romance
  • Recommended by: Eyal S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780062958501
  • Check Catalog

Is this one of the best fake-dating romance novels I’ve read? Yes. Yes it is.

When her partner of 18 years (!) up and dumps her, Laurie is determined to keep her head held high, at least in public. Unfortunately for her plans, her ex works at the same law firm and, in a stunningly cruel move, is expecting a baby with his new partner within a few months of breaking up with Laurie. In a desperate bid for revenge, she agrees to a deal with Jamie, the newest lawyer at the firm (and, according to rumor, a notorious playboy) - the two of them will pretend to date until after the firm’s New Year’s Eve party. She makes her ex jealous, he impresses their bosses, win win! And of course, neither of them will fall in love with the other.

I am a sucker for the fake-relationship trope. This is a particularly good example, because it also shows both characters reexamining their assumptions and beliefs about what a “good” relationship entails and rethinking what each of them wants out of a relationship. (And of course, the satisfaction of revenge on a deserving target. It warms my cold, black heart)