The Good Liar
- Type: Movies & TV
- By: Helen Mirren
- Age Category: Adults
- Genre: Drama
- Recommended by: Maxine B.
- ISBN/UPC: 9786318046046 Check Catalog
I might be lying
Betty McLeish (Helen Mirren) is a widow in her 70s who lives in a home full of tasteful furniture in a boring suburb of London. She’s sweet, polite, and very stylish. The opening scenes move between her and Roy (Ian McKellen) filling out the user questionnaire on a senior dating website. They tell each other a lie or two, with Betty checking the box that says “non-drinker” between sips of her wine. Roy, is revealed to be a dangerous and coldblooded con man with multiple schemes, not a charming and frail widower. Twists and turns abound,