Freiheit! The White Rose Graphic Novel
- Type: Books
- By: Andrea Grosso Ciponte
- Age Category: Adults, Teens
- Genre: Graphic Novels, Biography & Memoir, Non-Fiction
- Recommended by: TR L.
- ISBN/UPC: 9780874863444 Check Catalog
"Freiheit!" tells the true story of young adults in Nazi Germany who sacrificed it all for justice.
"Freiheit!" tells the story of the White Rose, an organized group of young adults who distributed leaflets calling for citizens to revolt against the Nazi German authorities and endangered their lives in the process. "Freiheit!" is a quick read with sparing numbers of panels and dialogue bubbles per page, easily read within a night. The art is lush and gorgeously done with an impressionistic, muted, noir style. At the end of the book is an appendix with translations of all six leaflets, all of which still resonate with an incredible power today. "Freiheit!" is a tale of courage so incredible that it can't help but inspire honest self-reflection and bravery within its readers.