Glory: Magical Visions of Black Beauty

  • Type: Books
  • By: Kahran and Regis Bethencourt
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Ramona B.P.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781250204561
  • Check Catalog

Please take your time with this book.

One of the many great things about working at a library are the variety of books that come your way and the ones that jump out saying, “Read Me!” This happens to be one of them. Although found in the adult non-fiction section, this is a beautiful book of photography that tells the story of very talented, driven young people. I would suggest sharing it as a family read, and really reading the stories. The costumes, hair and photography will instantly grab your attention, but the stories are important also. There’s a young person from Michigan highlighted as well. I hope you enjoy reading this book from the beginning to the end (which I highly suggest so you don’t miss anything.) So glad for the acknowledgments page at the end because the designers and stylists really did an excellent job!