Sunny Rolls the Dice

  • Type: Books
  • By: Jennifer L. & Matthew Holm
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: Historical Fiction, Graphic Novels
  • Recommended by: Christy H.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781338233155
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A young girl discovers herself through D&D

This is a delightful comic that is filled with 1970's nostalgia while remaining relatable to modern audiences.  Sunny is at that awkward age where she is discovering the "rules" of what it takes to be a "groovy" teen.  The boy next door invites her to come over and play a game called Dungeons and Dragons.  Sunny discovers a passion for being a daring fighter fending off giant spiders and gelatinous cubes.  The problem is that D&D is NOT "groovy".  Sunny feels she must choose between the game she loves and being a cool.  Can she find a way to be herself in her own groovy way?