The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Type: Books
- By: LeUyen Pham
- Age Category: Children
- Genre: General Fiction
- Recommended by: Tom S.
- ISBN/UPC: 9780385374132 Check Catalog
Featuring pipers, drummers, and dancing ladies from around the world!
I admit that I’m pretty crazy about LeUyen Pham’s art. Guaranteed, if I see a new book with her name on the cover, I’ll pick it up. And though this book isn’t new (it was published in 2014), it always makes me smile. An adorable girl and boy wearing old-fashioned European clothing exchange gifts, beginning, of course, with a partridge in a pear tree, but culminating in a two-page spread that features a joyful cast of characters including a Chinese lord, an African drummer, a Polish dancer, a Japanese piper, and a milkmaid from southeast Asia. Check it out and see if you can identify even more of the people from their traditional ethnic garb.
This would make a great lapsit book to share during the holiday season.