The Star and the Strange Moon

  • Type: Audiobooks
  • By: Constance Sayers
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Jessica W.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780316493741
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Who is the real director?

Gemma Turner is an actress working on a horror film in 1960’s France when she suddenly vanishes.  Years later, Christopher Kent is captivated by the story of her disappearance.  The film she was working on is screened once every ten years and each time, new impossible footage is added.  Can he solve the mystery of her disappearance?

This title is a mix of fantasy, mystery, and romance.  I found the audiobook so intriguing that whenever I had a few spare minutes in my day, I would pop in my headphones and finished it in half the time it normally takes me.  I recommend the audiobook for this title because many of the names and places are in French.  While knowledge of the language isn’t necessary to understand the plot, having fluent narrators allows you to sit back and just enjoy the story.