Korean Celebrations: Festivals, Holidays and Traditions

  • Type: Books
  • By: Tina Cho
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780804846943
  • Check Catalog

A fun read for young geographers

As a public services librarian, I have facilitated an ESOL reading and conversation group at the Okemos Library for many years now.   When we discuss American holidays in the group, some of the participants like to compare and contrast various aspects of them with their own cultural celebrations. Over the years, I have had several participants from South Korea, and they have piqued my interest in learning more about their culture. So, when I came across this book on one of the library’s return carts, I felt compelled to pick it up and read it.  In addition to offering concise descriptions of all of their major holidays in order by season, this book includes information about traditional festive dress, crafts, and games as well as a couple recipes for treats eaten during celebrations.  It also discusses their national anthem, language, and the symbolism of the South Korean Flag. CADL’s juvenile nonfiction collection is great source of information for young geographers who want to learn more about other countries and their cultures.