Never Lie

  • Type: Audiobooks
  • By: Freida McFadden
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Maxine B.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781728296166
  • Check Catalog

What is the truth?

The newlyweds Tricia and Ethan are searching for the house of their dreams. They think they have found it at the remote home of Dr. Adrienne Hale, a renowned psychiatrist who vanished years ago without a trace. They become trapped by a winter storm at the estate, and the house soon begins to lose its appeal. 

Where is their realtor, is there an intruder or the missing Dr. Hale? What can explain all the unusual activity in the house?  

When Tricia finds Dr Hale’s secreted tape-recorded sessions, pieces of the mystery begin to fall into place, and the web of lies slowly unravels. But by the time Tricia reaches the final cassette, the one that reveals the entire horrifying story, it may be too late… an addictive, unpredictable thriller.  Available on Libby, and as a book at CADL.