All Out: the no-longer-secret stories of queer teens throughout the ages

  • Type: Books
  • By: Saundra Mitchell
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Recommended by: Kat V.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781335470454
  • Check Catalog

Just as much about friendship and family bonds as it is about queer love and belonging.

This turned out to be one my favorite short story compilations I've ever read. I loved the uniqueness of each one, they way they bounce around history, the fun of guessing who falls in love, and how, and what makes it queer-- I loved the diversity. Some of the stories were sad, but most of them ended with so much hope. They were all sweet stories of love, and friendship, and family. When it comes to representation, sometimes it's easy to feel like only one story is getting told, rather than having a full and nuanced view of a group like 'queer youth'. This one book contains so much, the reader gets a similar sense of satisfaction as after a filling and delicious meal.