
  • Type: Books
  • By: Akwaeke Emezi
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction, Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Kat V.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780593309032
  • Check Catalog

A prequel to "Pet", and an incredible story.

Bitter is coming of age in a world that is broken in ways she struggles to wrap her mind around, and to such a degree that hope feels like more pain than it's worth. Her fear is a tangible presence in her life, even in the bubble of safety that is Eucalyptus-- a free school for carefully chosen young talented artists. Compared to her friends fighting and dying in the name of change, she feels like her fear and lack of faith are keeping her from contributing in any real way. The author uses strange and wonderful fantasy and science fiction elements to create a world too much like the one we live in, and to put us in headspaces that are as familiar as they are foreign. Prepare to confront your own feelings about revolution and its ethics, and the part you play in making the world a better place.
It would be impossible to sort this into a genre, but social justice readers should pick it up for sure.