Killing Trail

  • Type: Books
  • By: Margaret Mizushima
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Mystery & Suspense
  • Recommended by: Lauren C.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781629533810
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A perfect mystery series for lovers of the great outdoors with a soft spot for animals.

This exciting mystery series, set in a small mountain village in Colorado, starts with young Officer Mattie Cobb and her partner, K-9 police dog Robo solving the murder of a young girl. The hunky local vet and single father, Cole Walker helps her piece together the clues—and becomes a slow-burn love interest for the damaged, yet stoic Mattie. 
Things are changing in Timber Creek, but fortunately Mattie and Robo are there to uncover its many secrets. Fast-paced, well-researched and clever, this gripping, atmospheric series will transport you a world where law enforcement officers must ride horseback up mountainous paths to crime scenes, fight cougars, break up bar fights between cowboys, and save townsfolk and animals from criminals who use the isolation of the mountains to develop their enterprises. 
This series feels authentic, as the author is from Colorado where she and her veterinarian husband owned a small ranch. It’s not too gritty, as police procedurals sometimes can be, but it’s not too cozy either. While Robo is a crime-solving doggie genius, he still feels like a real dog. This series features many strong female characters, a diverse cast, and lots of interesting personalities. There are touches of romance, but Mattie has her reasons for wanting to take things slow, so readers may find themselves falling in love with Cole Walker before Mattie does.