Wish You Weren't Here

  • Type: Books
  • By: Erin Baldwin
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Romance
  • Recommended by: Bridie M.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780593622698
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Summer camp nostalgia, slow burn, frenemies to…?

Juliette Barrera-Wright and Priya Pendley have a truce. They aren’t friends, they aren’t enemies, but they’ve agreed to stay out of each others’ lives as much as possible in their small town. Priya is everything Juliette is not--rich, popular, fashionable, the queen of high school. This summer, Juliette can’t wait to escape from her shadow at her happy place: Fogridge Sleepaway Camp, the only place she feels free to be her whole, "intense" self. Imagine her surprise (dismay) when she gets to camp only to find her new bunkmate is none other than Priya. As a senior camper, this was supposed to be Juliette’s year. How is she supposed to make it through the summer with Priya by her side? 

This book will transport you back to the summer camp of your teenage years… cringe, sweat, and sunburn included. A perfect summer read for fans of Jennifer Dugan, Sophie Gonzales, and Dahlia Adler.