
  • Type: Books
  • By: Megan Barnard
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Recommended by: Saturn H.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780143137672
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"In the days of kings, there was Jezebel." A retelling of an infamous woman likened to sin.

So much of history is told from men's point of view. Jezebel is about a strong woman who learns that women hold no power in man's world. And she will do just about anything to get that power. Jezebel of the Bible is an example of a woman you're not supposed to want to be--evil and sinful. But what about the actual woman? Jezebel the girl, the teenager, the young woman. Did she make her choices to be evil or was she trying to do what she thought was best for her, her family, her kingdom? This story shows her vulnerability and the complex emotions she grappled with in her life. A story to be read again and again.