Perry Mason: Season 1

  • Type: Movies & TV
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Mystery & Suspense
  • Recommended by: Andy B.
  • ISBN/UPC: 883929729029
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This noir reboot of the courtroom classic is gritty, gorgeously shot, and full of fascinating characters

Set in 1931 Los Angeles, Perry Mason, like everyone else, is struggling to make ends meet in Great Depression America. This Mason is not the courtroom pro his previous incarnation was, instead working as an investigator for a Los Angeles defense attorney. When the attorney becomes defense counsel in a headline grabbing case, Mason gets pulled into investigating a grimy and still growing Los Angeles, full of desperate people looking for a little bit of hope.
The character development over the course of the season is strong, with morally complex, multifaceted characters grappling with a world that is doing its best to chew them up. 
Fans of L.A. Confidential and noir in general will find a lot to like here as well.