The Sea is Salt and So Am I
- Type: Books
- By: Cassandra Hartt
- Age Category: Teens
- Genre: General Fiction
- Recommended by: Kat V.
- ISBN/UPC: 9781250619242 Check Catalog
When you're a teenager, some things feel like the end of the world because they actually are.
This one is all about the characters. Three teenagers-- a girl, her best friend, and his twin-- struggle with codependency, coming of age in an uncertain world, and the effects of trauma and depression. Told from all their points of view, part of what was so interesting to me was how unreliable each one of them are as narrators. You see each character through their own eyes and through each others', and then those perceptions change as they do. Are we getting a clearer picture at the beginning of the book, or at the end? Whose eyes are the least biased in what circumstances? I especially loved the ways in which they interacted with each other THROUGH each other, all three of them enmeshed in messy and complicated ways.