Watch to Win

All summer long, CADL will be providing you with a chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card when you correctly answer questions about our virtual events.

Here’s how the contest will work:

  • Throughout the summer, CADL will be posting questions about our virtual events. Watch the events to find out the answers. 
  • You will only be able to submit one answer per household, per event.
  • Answers must be emailed to us by the stated deadline. Winners will be chosen from a pool of correct answers. If you don’t have an email, call us at 517-367-6355.
  • Only one winner per household, which means you can only win once for the entire summer. If no correct answer is given then no prize will be awarded.
  • You must be registered for our Summer Reading Challenge to be eligible for this contest. Register here.

Here’s question #1

What’s the first song that San and Emily perform together on the Gemini video?

Here's the answer: The Marvelous Toy by Tom Paxton

Our winner is Amy S.

Here's question #2

What kind of dance did the Ogre do in Beverly the Music Lady's Fairytale Adventure?

Here's the answer: The Jiggety Jig

Our winner is John C.

Here's question #3

What color is the balloon Doug places in the glass jar?

Here's the answer: Blue  

Our winner is Kelly B.

Here's question #4

What does the Sir Laughs-a-Lot give the dragon?

Here's the answer: Toothbrush

Our winner is Sunita K.

Here's question #5

According to the legend, what animal's tail was the Opossum envious of?

Here's the answer: Raccoon 

Our winner is Katrina S. 


Here's question #6

What did Dewey the Dragon use to cut down the tree?

Here's the answer: Sword

Our winner is Mitchell K. 

Here's question #7

What instrument did the orange mouse play?

There were no entries for this question, no winner was selected.

Here's question #8

What type of a Chemist is Dr. Slime?

Our winners are Amanda S. & Carrie L.

Here's question #9

What's the secret to the Vanishing Toothpick trick?

Our winner is Mike V.