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Example: john grisham the associate

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  • speedy motors
  • alexander mccall smith
  • botswana detective

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  • wom*n (matches woman, women, womyn, etc.)
  • car* (matches car, cars, card, cart, carts, carbon, caring, etc.)
  • *  (matches everything)

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Staff Picks

Shuyler C. Recommends

Magical Boy, Vol. 1
As if being a high schooler isn't hard enough, Max soon learns he's descended from a long line of magical girls tasked with defending the planet from evil. This would all be well and good,...
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Jackie M. Recommends

Spirit Crossing
This is an excellent story of mystery weaving in with the supernatural. A young boy stumbles on a body of a young Ojibway woman, while everyone else is looking for a famous politician's daughter....
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